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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nodeValue'

I am using ksoap to communicate between an android app and the python server containing the following files posted. I am trying to retrieve all the values in the XML file posted. But i keep getting, AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nodeValue'. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the code as I tried to debug the error but still failed to do so.

Portion of the XML file (only MacFilterList and Map node can be empty):

</ProfileList> (PROFILE_XML refers to the filename of the xml file.):

def __init__(self):  
    self.profileFile = Config.PROFILE_XML
    self.profile = XML_ProfileDataStore()
def GetAllProfileData(self):
    self.profileFile = Config.PROFILE_XML
    result = self.profile.GetAllProfileData()
    return result (where the class, XML_ProfileDataStore is):

def GetAllProfileData(self):

    #Get a node list containing nodes with name Location
    ProfileList = self.XMLdoc.getElementsByTagName('Profile')
    NumArgCheck = 0

    #For each location node in list
    for profileNode in ProfileList:
        #For each child nodes in Location node, compare the XY coordinates
        for ChildNode in profileNode.childNodes:
            #If child node has profile name profile_name
            if (cmp(ChildNode.nodeName, 'ProfileName') == 0):
                NumArgCheck += 1
                profiles = profiles + + ","
                ChildNode = ChildNode.nextSibling
                profiles = profiles + ChildNode.firstChild.nodeValue + ","
                ChildNode = ChildNode.nextSibling
                profiles = profiles + ChildNode.firstChild.nodeValue + ","
                ChildNode = ChildNode.nextSibling
                profiles = profiles + ChildNode.firstChild.nodeValue
                ChildNode = ChildNode.nextSibling

                for child in ChildNode.childNodes:
                   profiles = profiles + "," + child.firstChild.nodeValue
                profiles = profiles+";"

    return profiles


  • It means that some method/attribute returned None, and you tried to access its nodeValue attribute. Either your algorithm is wrong, or you need to test for None before accessing the attribute. Sorry but I can't help you more than that, I have never used this library.