The following dataset needs to be animated with years as a bubble plot. With the year, Life Expectancy(X-Axis) and GDP(Y-Axis) need to be changed.
Following Image for the Year of 1960 :
Following Image for Year 1961 :
My requirement is to animate Life-Expectancy vs GDP graph along with years. But when I tried to animate the graph using the below code, the result is not as expected.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
s = ax.scatter([], [])
def animate_(i):
# clear the axis each frame
# replot things
s = ax.scatter("LifeExpectency",
data = df)
return s,
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate_, frames = 62 , interval=500, blit=False)'Countries progression.mp4')
Following the image i got. It means all the year output merge one another. Any idea how to sort this out.
You need to tie i
in animate_
to the Year
by filtering df
try df[df['Year'] == some_function(i)]
where some_function(i)
maps the frame count to the year selected