In Azure release pipeline (using GUI) I am using an inline PS script task which checks for Folder names and File extensions. The script works if I provide the folders and extensions values directly into Where-Object cmdlet, e.g.
Get-ChildItem -Path $path | `
Where-Object { ($_.Name -in "ConsoleApps","WebDeployParameters") -or ($_.Extension -in ".xml",".config",".asax")}
But it does not work if I create and pass the Variables:
into where-object cmdlet:
$path = "$($env:DropLocation)\$($env:CurrentRelease)\"
$Names = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | `
Where-Object { ($_.Name -in $env:FoldersName) -or ($_.Extension -in $env:FileExtensions)}
#| Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host $Names
Could someone point out, what might be going wrong here? Because the same code works if I run it on my local machine:
$FileExtensions = ".xml",".config",".asax"
$FoldersName = "ConsoleApps","WebDeployParameters"
Get-ChildItem -Path $path | `
Where-Object { ($_.Name -in $FoldersName) -or ($_.Extension -in $FileExtensions)}
When you pass a pipeline variable into the script the syntax is $(variable_name).
Instead of $env:variable_name
Here is an example I use to pass pipeline variables into my scripts:
Here is the Microsoft documentation on setting variables in scripts.