I am trying to do EDA with the Kaggle dataset link
I made a plot with 3 subplots and have plotted 3 vertical lines on the basis of mean, median and mode. is there any way to show these 3 lines in a legend?
This is my code
def plott(data):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 15),gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": (1, 0.2, 0.6)})
fig.suptitle('Spread of Data for ' + data.name, fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')
sns.histplot(data, kde=True, binwidth=1, ax=axes[0])
sns.boxplot(x=data, orient='h', ax=axes[1])
sns.violinplot(x=data, ax=axes[2])
axes[0].axvline(data.mean(), color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='solid')
axes[0].axvline(data.median(), color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='dashed')
axes[0].axvline(data.mode()[0], color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='dotted')
axes[1].axvline(data.mean(), color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='solid')
axes[1].axvline(data.median(), color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='dashed')
axes[1].axvline(data.mode()[0], color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='dotted')
axes[2].axvline(data.mean(), color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='solid')
axes[2].axvline(data.median(), color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='dashed')
axes[2].axvline(data.mode()[0], color='r', linewidth=2, linestyle='dotted')
axes[0].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=10, labelbottom=True)
axes[1].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=10, labelbottom=True)
axes[2].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=10, labelbottom=True)
This is the resulting plot
Is there a way to add the legend in here in accordance to the 3 vertical lines
like this with each line type denoting the value?
Also, how to add more values in x axis of all three graphs? like make it interval of 5 or 2 years apart?
Give the axvlines a "label" value, then call plt.legend
after plotting it.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.axvline(x=0.22058956, label="Test2", color="red")