I am setting up a rke2 cluster with rancher on Openstack.
When setting up rke2 cluster via Rancher, I need to define a cloud provider so that nodes are properly set up with providerID (so that plugins such as openstack cloud controller manager or cinder csi are able to identify node in Openstack).
With rke I am able to define Openstack as a cloud provider along with its configuration via yaml in rancher as described in their official documentation. This way rke will make sure to update nodes with providerID when setting nodes up automatically.
It does not seem to be possible to define Openstack specific configuration when creating rke2 cluster.
As for the External cloud provider, I was not able to find any information about how to define that this is in reality an Openstack cluster and how to define configuration so that rke2 is able to properly work with it.
Thank you.
as it turns out it is possible to define cloud provider for Openstack. The problem I faced was due to very strict definition of Cloud Provider Config for Openstack in Rancher. As mentioned here, the problem was with unexpected fields that I had in the configuration. After removing all unnecessary fields it all came up as expected. Unfortunately, no error messages really let you know that it has issues with some unrequired fields.