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Xcode 4.1.1 constantly reindexing after a refactor

Currently splitting an App into a (hopefully) reusable library for other games of the same franchise, and the game specifics, i do a 'lot' of refactoring. It seems that as i advance in this monk work, Xcode is creeping to a stall because it spends more and more time on reindexing the project after each refactoring action.

Any thoughts ?

MBP quadCore 2.3Ghz, 8GB, Lion, xCode 4.1.1

PS. I've had to step out of Xcode because of this, currently doing my refactoring with JetBrains' AppCode ... immature but promising product, but good enough for that work. Beats the pants out of Xcode on many code intensive usages.


  • ok, i think this is what is happening (after comparing what AppCode does with Xcode). Xcode reindexes all files modified by the refactoring AND their dependancies, whilst AppCode only reindexes the affected files. a bug in Xcode imho ...