I'm trying to build a python program that has excel features. After following this tutorial for opening a excel spreadsheet in Treeview using Tkinter, i tried to make a function to delete columns after you name it in a entry widget. But it has returned this error:
_tkinter.TclError: Item {'width': 200, 'minwidth': 20, 'stretch': 1, 'anchor': 'w', 'id': 'Sit Sin'} not found
("Sit Sin" is the name of a column in a spreadsheet i'm using)
This is the code for opening the excel file + the function for deleting columns
def clear_tree():
def open_file():
namefile= filedialog.askopenfilename(
title="Open a File",
filetype=(("xlsx files", "*.xlsx"), ("All files", "*.*"))
namefile= r"{}".format(namefile)
df = pd.read_excel(namefile)
# clears the treeview
# Set up new tree
Ttree['column'] = list(df.columns)
Ttree['show'] = "headings"
# loop in the column list
for column in Ttree['column']:
Ttree.heading(column, text=column)
# putting data in the treeview
df_columns = df.to_numpy().tolist()
# loop the data and putting them on the screen
for row in df_columns:
Ttree.insert("", "end", values=row)
def drop_columns():
namecolumn = entry_name_column.get()
var = Ttree.column(namecolumn)
What I am doing wrong ? Is deleting columns only doable with Pandas or Xlwings ?
Note that Ttree.column(namecolumn)
returns a dictionary of the options of the given column name. Ttree.delete()
is used to delete row, not column.
does not have function to delete a column, so you need to:
Below is the modified drop_columns()
def drop_columns():
namecolumn = entry_name_column.get().strip()
columns = list(Ttree['columns'])
# get the index of the column, exception when column cannot be found
idx = columns.index(namecolumn)
# remove the column heading
Ttree['columns'] = columns
for col in columns:
Ttree.heading(col, text=col)
# remove the corresponding column from all rows
for row in Ttree.get_children():
values = list(Ttree.item(row, 'values'))
Ttree.item(row, values=values)
except ValueError as ex: