How to send a job to the Deadset?
I've been searching around and I see some other developers that want to Notify to their exception handling systems when a job fails, for example if the job connects to an unreliable third party API.
In my case I would like to send the job to the deadset right away instead of just discarding it or waiting around 20 days.I want A human kind to have to click the Retry or Delete button based on the failure reason in the Deadset UI.
So if I have this Russian Roulette job that would retry if feeling lucky or go to the graveyard (aka Deadset) if not, how would be a proper way to do it?
It has come to my mind to set the retry: 0
in the sidekiq_options
but that wouldn't be the case always. I think one way would be to use the retry method and pass somehow the sidekiq_options retry: 0
so next time it retries it self then it goes to the Deadset.
class RussianRoulette < ActiveJobBase
sidekiq_options retry: 10
discard_on SomeException do |job, exception|
puts "You are dead but somebody will check your corpse!"
# How to send to deadset?
def perform(args)
if feeling_lucky? # If this method fails it retries up to 10 times
puts "You got another chance!"
puts "You are dead!"
# What to do?:
# throw :abort # No, because we want to send it to the deadset so somebody can erase or retry it
# raise SomeException # Could be, but then how to send to deadset?
# self.class.perform_later(args, {sidekiq_options: {retry: 0}}) # Is this even possible?
The closest I've achieved is to push directly in the Deadset using the Sidekiq API, from the source I see that it expects a 'message'; I've tried to push the job as a JSON but in the WebUI it seems the message parameter is not correct. # Also tried job.arguments.to_json
I have followed the logic of the Kill button in the WebUI and I see there is a kill
method that is called to Job instance (or not?) but I see it's not available when I call it manually on console.
(byebug) job.kill
*** NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `kill' for #<RussianRoulette:0x00007faf520805a8>
I ended up injecting directly in the Deadset the record by just using the params of my original job. I captured the exception (using a custom exception) and the rescue_from
class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
rescue_from(CustomException) do |exception|
params = self.arguments
params[0]['_aj_symbol_keys'] = params[0]
job = {
"error_message": exception.message,
"jid": SecureRandom.hex(12),
"retry_count": 0,
"args": [
"job_id": SecureRandom.hex(12),
"provider_job_id": nil,
"priority": nil,
"arguments": params,
"executions": 0,
"queue_name": "default",
"exception_executions": {},
"locale": "en",
"timezone": "UTC",
"retry": 0,
"queue": "default",
"class": "ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper"
def perform(params)
raise"Here is a custom exception") if whatever
So when i need to send a Job to the morgue directly inside my job logic i just raise an exception and thats it, the rescue_from block will capture it and create it in the morgue.
After this it shows up in my Morgue:
And some human can analyze it and delete or retry it. In my case this was a web scraper, so if the HTML of my target site goes invalid then a developer has to update the logic and we have to retry with the original arguments once the developer pushes the updated scraping code.