Inspired by the syntax of if
from the exercise 1.4 from SICP,
I tried to code something similar but with cond
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket/base
(define (b x) (display (bytes-append #"\033[1m" (string->bytes/utf-8 x) #"\33[m")))
(define (i x) (display (bytes-append #"\33[3m" (string->bytes/utf-8 x) #"\33[m")))
(define (formatted-printer s)
((if (equal? s "You have to be bold to do it.\n") b i) s)); Works fine, preferred as it is concise. Do the same with cond!!!
(define (formatted-printer s)
(if (equal? s "You have to be bold to do it.\n")
(b s)
(i s))); Works fine, too verbose, though.|#
(define (formatted-printer s); Works fine
((equal? s "You have to be bold to do it.\n") (b s))
((equal? s "You have to be Italian in order to eat pasta.\n") (i s))
(define (formatted-printer s)
((equal? s "You have to be bold to do it.\n") b)
((equal? s "You have to be Italian in order to eat pasta.\n") i)
s)));Does not work: cond: bad syntax (clause is not a test-value pair)
(formatted-printer "You have to be bold to do it.\n")
(formatted-printer "You have to be Italian in order to eat pasta.\n")
Sadly, when I try to apply double parentheses around cond
, as it did the trick around if
, I get:
cond: bad syntax (clause is not a test-value pair)
at: s
in: (cond ((equal? s "You have to be bold to do it.\n") b) ((equal? s "You have to be Italian in order to eat pasta.\n") i) s)
The comments hint what I am aiming at.
Is it at all doable to select with cond
only the operator like it is with if
In your if
version you are ending the if
form aplying the result with s
as the operand. In the cond
version you don't. It should be like this:
(define (formatted-printer s)
((equal? s "You have to be bold to do it.\n") b)
((equal? s "You have to be Italian in order to eat pasta.\n") i)
(else (error "no matching string for formatted-printer")))
Notice the else
. If you don't have that you can in the future end up with a weird application: not a procedure for #<void>
since if none of the strings match and you don't have an else
Racket will use its undefined value as the result and that can not be called as a procedure.
You can even make it more clear:
(define (formatted-printer s)
(define formatter
((equal? s "You have to be bold to do it.\n") b)
((equal? s "You have to be Italian in order to eat pasta.\n") i)
(else (error "no matching string for formatted-printer"))))
(formatter s))
Since you're using Racket and probably DrRacket you can even debug this much easier with adding a breakpoint at (formatter s)
to investigate the result of what formatter
was set to.