In a snake_cased language, I would want to navigate variablewise and not word_wise and also exclude sigils like @, % or / from these stops.
|$here_she_goes_again; #the pipe marks my cursor position
With one Ctrl+Right, I want to land on the space before the semicolon,
$here_she_goes_again|; #the pipe marks my cursor position
then, with a Ctrl+Left, I want to return to the beginning of the line.
|$here_she_goes_again; #the pipe marks my cursor position
Somebody got this to work?
Put this into your settings.json
"[javascript]": {
"editor.wordSeparators": "`~!@#%^&*()-=+[{]}\|;:'",.<>/?"
Use whatever your language identifier is. I deleted the $
from the default separators to get your example to work for javascript. You can remove the other characters you indicated. The underscore
was already not in the default for me. Just make sure those characters are not in the language-specific setting shown above.