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How can I ignore the property name that I use in the jsonproperty attribute, provided that it is only once

My problem is that I deserialize the incoming data and transfer it to this class using jsonproperty. but I don't want to use property name attribute that I use in jsonproperty while serializing.

example class

public class DocumentDetail
        public string qrCode { get; set; }
        public string gtinNumber { get; set; }
        public string lotNumber { get; set; }

example serialize

  DocumentDetail docDetail=new DocumentDetail(){qrCode="123456adsfg789",gtinNumber ="123asdf548654",lotNumber ="1231231sdfg23"};
  var obj=JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body);

example result

    "qrCode" : "123456adsfg789",
    "gtinNumber" : "123asdf548654",
    "lotNumber" : "1231231sdfg23"


  • you can add a constructor to your class

    public class DocumentDetail
        public string qrCode { get; set; }
        public string gtinNumber { get; set; }
        [JsonProperty("lotNumber")] // optional, you can assign any name for serialization
        public string lotNumber { get; set; }
        public  DocumentDetail( string KAREKOD,string GTIN, string LOTNUMBER)
        public DocumentDetail() {}

    and you don't need to include all properties in the constructor, just include the properties that need different names for a serialization and a deserialiazation.