I have the following table:
ID vaccine_code vaccine_day
A 1A 0
A 2A 30
B moderna,1A 0
B moderna,2A 35
C moderna 0
C moderna 25
there are various ways in which the vaccines are coded in my database. 1A denotes first dose and 2A denotes second dose. At times, as in ID='C'
, the dose number is not denoted. In that case, I need to use the value in the vaccine_day
column to extrapolate dose information.
I am looking for the following:
ID vaccine_dose vaccine_day
A dose1 0
A dose2 30
B dose1 5
B dose2 35
C dose1 0
C dose2 25
So far, I have:
select ID,
case when vaccine_code like '%1A%' then 'dose1'
case when vaccine_code like '%2A%' then 'dose2'
case when vaccine_code = 'moderna' and min(vaccine_day) then 'dose1'
case when vaccine_code = 'moderna' and max(vaccine_day) then 'dose1'
from tbl
group by vaccine_day;
You have a few issues with your query.
You don't end
your case
You group by
vaccine_day which will return you each vaccine_day.
Didn't test it as I don't have the full sample data, both your sample data are the same id and days, but you can start with something like this:
select id, case when vaccine_code like '%1A%' then 'dose1'
when vaccine_code like '%2A%' then 'dose2'
when vaccine_code = 'moderna' and vaccine_day = min(vaccine_day) then 'dose1'
when vaccine_code = 'moderna' and vaccine_day = max(vaccine_day) then 'dose1'
end as vaccine_dose
from tbl
group by id, vaccine_code;