I've got a txt file with a list that looks like this
# Actors
Robert Mitchum
John Voight
# Musicians
Geddy Lee
Angus Young
Without modifying this text, I'd like to add it to a Github Wiki page, and make it render each name on a separate rows, like this:
What I do NOT want is the default Github markdown behavior where single newlines are not respected and two names can render on the same row.
Is there any of the predefined edit modes in Github which could achieve this? Here's the list of the edit modes available
I like Markdown overall, but I could consider changing to some other similar markup language if Markdown simply doesn't respect newlines.
I just want to be able to write a simple list, just like in a txt file, one row per item - and let it render as one row per item
item one
item two
item three
I don't want to have to add extra input like double line-breaks or other extra characters
Answering my own question: None of the answers had formatting that I liked. I ended up going with textile (https://textile-lang.com/) where line-breaks are respected, just had to change the heading syntax
h1. Actors
Robert Mitchum
John Voight
h1. Musicians
Geddy Lee
Angus Young