I would like to bind a parameter into the datetime method of a sql query. You can see below what I tried. I have tried enum too, but it seems enums are parsed by the name of enum and I can't give -7 days as a value to enum
The query i would like the code to produce looks like this.
SELECT * FROM Part where Timestamp > datetime('now' ,'-7 days')
@Query("SELECT * FROM Part where Timestamp >datetime('now' ,'-'+:days+'days')")
List<Part> getPastDays(int days);
Produces query#1
(is incorrect as it does not fetch the data)
SELECT * FROM Part where Timestamp >datetime('now' ,'-'+'7'+'days')
Code#2(Does not compile->error: Unused parameter: days)
@Query("SELECT * FROM Part where Timestamp >datetime('now' ,'- :days days')")
List<Part> getPastDays(int days);
@Query("SELECT * FROM Part where Timestamp >datetime('now' ,'-' /:days/ 'days')")
List<Part> getPastDays(int days);
Produces Query#3( is incorrect as does not return data)
SELECT * FROM Part where Timestamp >datetime('now' ,'-' /'7'/ 'days')
The SQLite SQL concatenate is || so :-
@Query("SELECT * FROM Part where Timestamp >datetime('now' ,'-'||:days||' days')")
List<Part> getPastDays(int days);
as per The || operator is "concatenate" - it joins together the two strings of its operands.