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libxml-ruby parse file and get required informations from xml

I am using libxml-ruby gem to read a xml string.

I am unable to extract the required info from xml string.

Currently i have following xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <synchronization token="kj0s09ew090mv904v09409905b" last_synchronize_on="2010-01-02 11:30" />
    <blocking token="AAA" start_time="2010-01-01 10:00" end_time="2010-01-01 12:00" method="REQUEST" is_forced="FALSE" />
    <blocking token="BBB" start_time="2010-01-03 15:00" end_time="2010-01-03 18:00" method="REQUEST" is_forced="FALSE" />

How do i get api_key, synchronization token, last_synchronize_on values from this xml string?

How do i get the info of the blocking nodes inside blockings node of this string?



  • You'd use LibXML::XML::Parser to get a LibXML::XML::Document:

    p = LibXML::XML::Parser.file(xml_file)
    # or p = LibXML::XML::Parser.string(xml_string)
    doc = p.parse

    Then use find and a bit of XPath to find your nodes:

    api_key_node = doc.find('//api_key').first

    That gives you a LibXML::XML::Node in api_key_node so you can call content to get what you want:

    api_key = api_key_node.content
    # "252f5df2df522fg5fd25df2df5df2fd5"

    Similar things apply to synchronization but you'd use [] to access the attribute values:

    sync      = doc.find('//synchronization').first
    token     = sync['token']
    last_sync = sync['last_syncrhonize_on']

    Same deal again for the <blocking> nodes but you'd iterate through them with each instead of using first.