tablelogin = {0 = "test1",1 = "test2",2 = "test3",3 = "test4"}
for pp=0,#table do
if takeinternalogin == (tablelogin[pp]) then
LogPrint("Login found")
LogPrint("failed login not found")
is an internal function of my program that takes the person's login.
In this script I'm taking the person's login and comparing whether or not the login is in the table.
It works, but after the else
if the person's login is not in the table, it returns the message "failed login not found" 4 times, that is, it returns the number of times it checks the table.
I don't understand. How can I make the message execute only 1 time?
You are currently printing the error message every time it iterates over the table and the current value does not match.
local arr = {[0] = "test1", [1] = "test2", [2] = "test3", [3] = "test4"}
function findLogin(input)
for i,v in pairs(tablelogin) do
if v == input then
LogPrint("Login found")
return i
LogPrint("failed login not found")
login = findLogin(takeinternalogin)
Using return within a loop makes it break out of the loop and in this case never reach the line where it prints the error.