Search code examples

Return value of Gorm complex query

Let's say I have:

type A struct {
  ID   string `gorm:"primary_key"`
  Name string

type B struct {
  ID   string `gorm:"primary_key"`
  AId  string
  A    A `gorm:"foreignkey:AId"`
  Val  string

If I wanted to do a normal query on A or B, I can just expect the A or B struct back. But if I wanted to do a join, what struct should I expect in go?

For example if my query were:

select * from a join b on = b.a_id;

What does GORM return as a struct?


  • Converting the query

    select * from a join b on = b.a_id;

    into gorm:

    db.Tables("a").Select(" as aid, as aname, as bid, b.a_id as baid, b.val as bval").Joins("JOIN b ON = b.a_id").Find(&result)

    We can just create a temporary result struct that houses all fields from both tables a and b.

    result := []struct {
        ID   string `db:"aid"`
        Name string `db:"aname"`
        BId  string `db:"bid"`
        AId  string `db:"baid"`
        Val  string `db:"bval"`

    Then, repackage this result struct as needed, or return this struct for the client to use.