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The argument type 'Future<void> Function(TapPosition)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'void Function(TapPosition, LatLng)?'

            options: MapOptions(
            onTap: (p, point) async {
              GeoData location = await Geocoder2.getDataFromCoordinates(
                  latitude: p.latitude, longitude: p.longitude, googleMapApiKey: '');
            center: LatLng(49.5, -0.09),
            zoom: 10.0

I am trying to use geocoder2 in my flutter app to work with maps. But I am facing this error. If someone could help, that'd be great.

  LatLng point=LatLng(49, -1);

This is my declaration of variables. And now the errors are:

The getter 'latitude' isn't defined for the type 'TapPosition'.
The getter 'longitude' isn't defined for the type 'TapPosition'.
A value of type 'TapPosition' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'LatLng'.
                  point: point, builder: (ctx)=> Icon(

This is the error where I am trying to use point.


  • onTap callback provide tapPosition and point.

    typedef TapCallback = void Function(TapPosition tapPosition, LatLng point);

    Include another parameters to solve this case like

     onTap: (tapPos, p) async {

    More about MapOptions and flutter_map/TapCallback


    Full snippet be like

      LatLng point = LatLng(49, -1);
      GeoData? location;
          options: MapOptions(
              onTap: (f, p) async {
                location = await Geocoder2.getDataFromCoordinates(
                    latitude: p.latitude,
                    longitude: p.longitude,
                    googleMapApiKey: '');
                setState(() {
                  point = p;
              zoom: 10.0,
              center: LatLng(49, -1)),

    Note thing about use of packages

    latlong2 and geocoder2