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Remove Date Grouping from Data

Looking to clean multiple data sets in a more automated way. The current format is year as column, month as row, the number values.

Below is an example of the current format, the original data has multiple years/months.

Current Format:

Year Jan Feb
2022 300 200

Below is an example of how I would like the new format to look like. It combines month and year into one column and transposes the number into another column.

How would I go about doing this in excel or python? Have files with many years and multiple months.

New Format:

Date Number
2022-01 300
2022-02 200


  • Check below solution. You need to extend month_df for the months, current just cater to the example.

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Year':[2022],'Jan':[300],'Feb':[200]})
    month_df = pd.DataFrame({'Char_Month':['Jan','Feb'], 'Int_Month':['01','02']})
    melted_df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Year'], value_vars=['Jan', 'Feb'], var_name='Char_Month',value_name='Number')
    pd.merge(melted_df, month_df,left_on='Char_Month', right_on='Char_Month').\


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