I do request from an Angular (13) app to a NodeJs server, this way:
getJobData(selectedCandle, bypassLoader = false) {
return this.http.get(`${this.endpoint}/getJobData/${selectedCandle}`, { context: bypassLoaderContext(bypassLoader) });
And I intercept them on NodeJs with Express:
router.get('/getJobData/:selectedCandle(.{0,})', helpers.restAuthorize, async (req, res) => {
Problem is: if selectedCandle
is empty, it doesn't found the route. It only works when selectedCandle
is not "". How can I deal both situation? - i.e. simply pass empty if its empty or value if its valued?
You can just add a question mark at the end of the parameter to make it optional i.e.
router.get('/getJobData/:selectedCandle(.{0,})?', helpers.restAuthorize, async (req, res) => {