I am trying to use a citext column in a simple WHERE clause from a table in a non-public schema using npgsql 6.0.5. My (simplified) database setup is
create schema citest;
create table citest.testtable (
id serial primary key,
name public.citext
set search_path = citest,public;
insert into testtable (name) values ('test');
Running the following C# code in a .NET6 console app only finds "test" but not "Test" (upper case T)
class Program {
static async Task Main(string[] args) {
string connectionString = "Server=myserver;Port=5432;Username=user;Password=pass;Database=mydatabase;Search Path=citest,public;SSLMode=Require;Trust Server Certificate=true;";
await SelectQueryTest(connectionString, "test");
await SelectQueryTest(connectionString, "Test");
private static readonly string SelectQuery =
"select name from testtable where name = $1;";
static async Task SelectQueryTest(string connString, string text) {
await using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connString);
await connection.OpenAsync();
await using var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(SelectQuery, connection) {
Parameters =
new() { Value = text }
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
if (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
var reply = reader.GetFieldValue<string>(0);
Console.WriteLine($"postgres query {text}: read {reply}");
} else {
Console.WriteLine($"postgres query {text}: read none");
Doing the same query using psql gives the expected result.
set search_path = citest,public;
select name from testtable where name = 'Test';
(1 row)
I would appreciate any hints that point me in the right direction.
Npgsql explicitly types the parameters it sends, and when you send a string, Npgsql infers the text
type. So the above is similar to writing:
select name from testtable where name = $1::text
... which wouldn't do a case-insensitive match (both sides need to be citext).
To fix this, explicitly specify the parameter type by setting NpgsqlDbType to Citext.