According this, I only can print string instead of expression.
I tried this one line assembler
.print "Hello" //No Error
.print 1+2 //Error: missing string
How do I make assembler recognize that expression 1+2
is a string? I expect it will print:
UPDATE: I found something strange after using .altmacro
.macro myMacro
LOCAL myLabel
.set myLabel, 1+2
.print "myLabel"
It said I can use %expr
You can write ‘%expr’ to evaluate the expression expr and use the result as a string.
But my console shown:
According your both refference:
Enable .altmacro
which has more feature than legacy as
such as LOCAL labeling.
Define macro with name .printPlusPlus
, name inspired from C++ that upgraded version of C but this context is version of .print
Since .print
only accept double quote string then put the parameter a
to the double-quoted argument.
Use pair of angle bracket <my string>
for print string, use %(expr)
to print string expression. Note, you must use escaped character hexadecimal to use hell character like double-quoted. \x22
means Character number 22 in hexadecimal form in ascii table which it's a "
.macro .printPlusPlus a
.print "\a"
.printPlusPlus <\x22\Hello World\x22>
.printPlusPlus %(1 +2)
$ as temp.m
"Hello World"
.macro .printPlusPlus a
.print "\a"
.macro summation a,b
.printPlusPlus %(\a + \b)
summation 3,4 //will show 7, i just tested it works fine