The store for the app i am working on looks like this:
export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<State> = {
auth: authReducer,
settingsSlice: settingsReducer,
incidentsSlice: incidentListReducer,
networkStatus: networkStatusReducer,
incidentSlice: incidentReducer,
What i am struggling with is creating feature selector for something inside of the incidentSlice, because that slice is very big and has a lot of nested slices.
For example: conferenceCallSlice is within incidentSlice, and i need to select callStatus inside of conferenceCallSlice. So i have tried this, amongst other stuff but i can't get anything to work:
export const selectIncidentSlice = createFeatureSelector('incidentSlice');
export const selectConferenceCall = createSelector(selectIncidentSlice, (state: any) => state.conferenceCall);
export const selectConferenceCallConfig = createSelector(selectIncidentSlice, (state: any) => state.conferenceCall.conferenceCall);
export const selectCallStatus = createSelector(selectConferenceCall, (state: any) => state.conferenceCall.callStatus);
For reference, this is the IncidentSlice reducer:
export interface IncidentState {
currentIncident: CurrentIncidentState;
statusBoard: StatusBoardState;
stakeholders: StakeholderState;
conferenceCall: ConferenceCallState;
export const reducer = combineReducers({
currentIncident: currentIncidentReducer,
statusBoard: statusBoardReducer,
stakeholders: stakeholderReducer,
conferenceCall: conferenceCallReducer,
Here is also conferenceCall Reducer:
export interface ConferenceCallState {
conferenceCall: VideoCallRoomConfig;
callStatus: CallStatus;
export const initialState: ConferenceCallState = {
conferenceCall: conferenceCallConfigData,
callStatus: CallStatus.NO_CALL,
What am i doing wrong?
can only be used for top-level slices from the state tree. In your case, auth
, settingsSlice
, incidentsSlice
, networkStatus
, and incidentSlice
To select state from the incidentSlice
, the code snippet you shared should be correct (but you don't have to add extra types, these should be inferred.
export const selectIncidentSlice = createFeatureSelector<IncidentSliceState>('incidentSlice');
export const selectConferenceCall = createSelector(selectIncidentSlice, (state) => state.conferenceCall);
export const selectConferenceCallConfig = createSelector(selectIncidentSlice, (state) => state.conferenceCall.conferenceCall);
export const selectCallStatus = createSelector(selectConferenceCall, (state => state.conferenceCall.callStatus);
If you want that these selectors are generated, take a look at createFeature