Is it possible to trigger an event when a reactive changes value?
If you put an observeEvent on an input, changes in the input's value will trigger the event:
observeEvent(input$val1,{cat("triggered when input$val1 changes)")})
But if you put an observeEvent on a reactive, the event is only triggered during initialization:
reactiveSum <- reactive({
as.integer(input$val1) + as.integer(input$val2) + as.integer(input$val3)
observeEvent(reactiveSum,{cat("only triggers during initialization")})
Why do changes in the value of an input trigger an event, but changes in the value of a reactive won't?
Is there a way to trigger an event when the value of a reactive changes?
At the request of @starja and @Eric...
A reactive is simply a function
> shiny::reactive
function (x, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, ..., label = NULL,
domain = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), ..stacktraceon = TRUE)
x <- get_quosure(x, env, quoted)
fun <- as_function(x)
formals(fun) <- list()
label <- exprToLabel(get_expr(x), "reactive", label)
o <- Observable$new(fun, label, domain, ..stacktraceon = ..stacktraceon)
structure(o$getValue, observable = o, cacheHint = list(userExpr = zap_srcref(get_expr(x))),
class = c("reactiveExpr", "reactive", "function"))
<bytecode: 0x7fdbfa6cb8d8>
<environment: namespace:shiny>
(as are observeEvent
and the like). If you want observeEvent
(or similar) to react to a change, you need to pass it something that changes. myReactive
is simply the function itself, which does not change. myReactive()
is the current value of the function, which does. So
observeEvent(myReactive(), { ... })
works, but
observeEvent(myReactive, { ... })
does not.
The only time (that I can think of) where you would use the reactive rather than its value is when passing additional parameters to a module server function: you pass the reactive (myReactive
) as a parameter and call it (myReactive()
) in the body of the server.