I have user table and my table has an array called sessions for each user. in the each session I have some property like ip, country, os and ... so this is small part of my table :
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
sessions: [{
token: {
type: String,
required: true
agent: {
ip: {
type: String,
required: true
country: {
type: String,
required: true
update: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
I want to know which session of each user has highest update value and what is the value of agent.country in that session. so this is my code :
let count = await User.countDocuments({ 'sessions.agent.country': 'usa' })
console.log('count: ' + count)
But this code is wrong because it doesn't care about the highest update value in that session.
Complex operations like these are best done with the aggregate
function. Haven't verified whether this works exactly, but it should be roughly what you are looking for:
const result = await User.aggregate([
// We unwind the session arrays into individual entries
$unwind: "$sessions"
// We rank each session by the update time for each user
$setWindowFields: {
partitionBy: "$_id",
sortBy: { 'sessions.update': -1 },
output: {
rankByUpdateTime: {
$rank: {}
// We filter to just take the latest session (rank=1) and only usa sessions
$match: {
rankByUpdateTime: 1,
'sessions.agent.country': 'usa'
// We count the total documents left
$count: 'matchedItems'
const count = result.matchedItems