I'm looking at creating a read-only replica inside our cluster in AWS that can have nightly scripts run on it to be used as a database that we will attach a front-end dashboard to for KPI and reporting type metrics. This database will need to be modified with scripts that will write information out of it for these metrics into a new table inside of this read-only replica.
ENGINE: 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.2 So far I've been able to:
The issue is that when I go to test and write a new record to our DB it is giving me the generic: ERROR 1290: 1290: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement
Issue resolved:
query sql variables to see iff innodb_read_only=1 (assuming you're running a single master instance, not a multi-master; as well as an engine that starts with it =1), shut down server, create file to alter server variables on boot changing innodb_read_only=0, then reboot.