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How to efficiently initialize a std::variant data member in a class template

Consider the following class template, that can hold either a value of type T or an instance of some ErrorInfo class, using a std::variant data member:

template <typename T>
class ValueOrError
    std::variant<T, ErrorInfo> m_var;

How can I efficiently initialize the variant T alternative?

I can initialize it with a constructor like this:

template <typename T>
class ValueOrError
    explicit ValueOrError(const T& val) 
        : m_var{val} 


But what syntax/coding technique can I use to enable move semantics optimization during initialization?

If I define a constructor taking a T&&, should I std::move or std::forward the parameter into the m_var?

template <typename T>
class ValueOrError
    // Efficient initialization with move semantics 
    explicit ValueOrError(T&& val)
        : m_var{ /* ?? */ } 


Note on interactions with ErrorInfo constructor overload

The ValueOrError template should also have a constructor overload that takes an ErrorInfo and initializes the variant member accordingly:

template <typename T>
class ValueOrError
    // Initialize with error code instead of T
    explicit ValueOrError(const ErrorInfo& error) 
        : m_var{error} 


It’s important that the generic T constructor overload interacts properly with the specific ErrorInfo overload.

ErrorInfo is a tiny class that wraps an error code (e.g. a simple integer), and can be constructed from such error code:

class ErrorInfo

    explicit ErrorInfo(int errorCode) 
        : m_errorCode{errorCode} 

    int ErrorCode() const 
        return m_errorCode;

    // … other convenient methods 
    // (e.g. get an error message, etc.)

    int m_errorCode;


  • A C++20 version using perfect forwarding:

    #include <concepts> // std::constructible_from
    template <class T>
    class ValueOrError {
        explicit ValueOrError(const ErrorInfo& error) : m_var{error} {}
        template<class... Args>
        requires std::constructible_from<T, Args...>
        explicit ValueOrError(Args&&... val) :
             m_var(std::in_place_type<T>, std::forward<Args>(val)...)
        std::variant<T, ErrorInfo> m_var;

    A C++17 version, also using perfect forwarding, could look like this:

    #include <type_traits>  // std::is_constructible_v, std::enable_if_t
    template <class T>
    class ValueOrError {
        explicit ValueOrError(const ErrorInfo& error) : m_var{error} {}
        template<class... Args,
                 std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...>, int> = 0>
        explicit ValueOrError(Args&&... val)
            : m_var(std::in_place_type<T>, std::forward<Args>(val)...) {}
        std::variant<T, ErrorInfo> m_var;

    Example usages:

    class foo { // A non default constructible needing 3 constructor args
        foo(double X, double Y, double Z) : x(X), y(Y), z(Z) {}
        double x, y, z;
    int main() {
        ValueOrError<foo> voe1(1., 2., 3.); // supply all three arguments
        // use the string constructor taking a `const char*`:   
        ValueOrError<std::string> voe2("Hello");
        std::string y = "world";
        // use the string constructor taking two iterators:
        ValueOrError<std::string> voe3(y.begin(), y.end());