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R - Convert character columns with $ and % signs into numeric

I have a dataframe df with multiple columns of which I want to clean up some pricing columns. The dataframe looks as follows:

Col1(char)  Col2(char)     Col3(char)     Col4(char)
CST         $ 128,412.00   $ 0.034        +149.628%
FSD         $ 138,232.40   $ 0.023        +124.244%
SDD         $ 112,234.45   $ 0.023        -123.324%

However, I would like the output to look as follows:

Col1(char)  Col2(num)   Col3(num)  Col4(num)
CST         128412.00   0.034      1.49628
FSD         138232.40   0.023      1.24244
SDD         112234.45   0.023      -1.23324

How do I transform Col2 - Col4 into numeric columns as elegantly as possible? Thank you!


  • dat <- structure(list(Col1 = c("CST", "FSD", "SDD"), Col2 = c("$ 128,412.00", 
    "$ 138,232.40", "$ 112,234.45"), Col3 = c("$ 0.034", "$ 0.023", 
    "$ 0.023"), Col4 = c("+149.628%", "+124.244%", "-123.324%")),
     class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
    #  Col1         Col2    Col3      Col4
    #1  CST $ 128,412.00 $ 0.034 +149.628%
    #2  FSD $ 138,232.40 $ 0.023 +124.244%
    #3  SDD $ 112,234.45 $ 0.023 -123.324%

    To convert all columns but column 1 to numeric, you can do

    tonum <- function (x) {
      ## delete "$", "," and "%" and convert string to numeric
      num <- as.numeric(gsub("[$,%]", "", x))
      ## watch out for "%", that is, 90% should be 90 / 100 = 0.9
      if (grepl("%", x[1])) num <- num / 100
      ## return
    dat[-1] <- lapply(dat[-1], tonum)
    #  Col1     Col2  Col3     Col4
    #1  CST 128412.0 0.034  1.49628
    #2  FSD 138232.4 0.023  1.24244
    #3  SDD 112234.4 0.023 -1.23324


    I just learned readr::parse_number() from PaulS's answer. It is an interesting function. Basically it removes everything that can not be a valid part of a number. As a practice, I implement the same logic using REGEX. So here is a general-purpose tonum().

    tonum <- function (x, regex = TRUE) {
      ## drop everything that is not "+/-", "0-9" or "."
      ## then convert string to numeric
      if (regex) {
        num <- as.numeric(stringr::str_remove_all(x, "[^+\\-0-9\\.]*"))
      } else {
        num <- readr::parse_number(x)
      ## watch out for "%", that is, 90% should be 90 / 100 = 0.9
      ind <- grepl("%", x)
      num[ind] <- num[ind] / 100
      ## return

    Here is a quick test:

    x <- unlist(dat[-1], use.names = FALSE)
    x <- c(x, "euro 300.95", "RMB 888.66", "£1999.98")
    # [1] "$ 128,412.00" "$ 138,232.40" "$ 112,234.45" "$ 0.034"      "$ 0.023"     
    # [6] "$ 0.023"      "+149.628%"    "+124.244%"    "-123.324%"    "euro 300.95" 
    #[11] "RMB 888.66"   "£1999.98"  
    tonum(x, regex = TRUE)
    # [1] 128412.00000 138232.40000 112234.45000      0.03400      0.02300
    # [6]      0.02300      1.49628      1.24244     -1.23324    300.95000
    #[11]    888.66000   1999.98000
    tonum(x, regex = FALSE)
    # [1] 128412.00000 138232.40000 112234.45000      0.03400      0.02300
    # [6]      0.02300      1.49628      1.24244     -1.23324    300.95000
    #[11]    888.66000   1999.98000