I have a project on Rails 6.
Started migrating it to React by using react-rails
. However, there are still some components which I cannot migrate to React ATM due to time limitations.
I want to be able to use the old component (partial
) in my React component.
e.g let's say I have a React component:
export const Component = ({post}) => {
return <div>
<ShareButton post={post}/>
and somehow the ShareButton should contain this:
<%= render partial: 'posts/shared/share_post_btn', locals: {event: false, post: post} %>
I read that it may be possible by using .jsx.erb
but I couldn't figure out how.
Would love to get some insights! Thank you.
I'm afraid you'll be mixing build pipelines here. The .erb is parsed by the asset pipeline, which was the default for Rails <6 and still for CSS, but this doesn't work no longer by default for yarn/webpacker-based builds that Rails 6 favoured for JS output (Rails 7 choose a new path again, I'm sorry).
Also, as components typically have actions attached, I don't really see how a mixed Rails (static HTML) based approach could work.
A few ideas: