i'm working on a speech to text + arduino proyect. For that, im using processing with the library https://github.com/alexandrainst/processing_websockets for the speech to text part. So far, it works, i talk and i get printed both as command line and as a text on the canvas the words i speak. The thing is i need to execute a change on a background when the word "zangolotino" is said. And that, does not work.
My code is this
Simple WebSocketServer example that can receive voice transcripts from Chrome
Requires WebSockets Library: https://github.com/alexandrainst/processing_websockets
import websockets.*;
PImage bgEstado;
String palabraClave;
Boolean estado;
WebsocketServer socket;
void setup() {
socket = new WebsocketServer(this, 1337, "/p5websocket");
palabraClave = "";
estado = true;
if(palabraClave == "zangolotino"){
bgEstado = loadImage("bg1.png");
} else {
bgEstado = loadImage("bg2.png");
void draw() {
image(bgEstado, 0, 0);
text(this.palabraClave, 200, 200);
void webSocketServerEvent(String msg){
palabraClave = msg;
I talk, and "zangolotino" is stored correctly on palabraClave, however the background never changes from bg2.png to bg1.png.
Any insights? Thanks
You're close, but some details are off. Your description of what you want your code to is different from what the code you wrote actually does.
These are a few places to correct:
if(palabraClave == "zangolotino")
won't work as you expect it to. In Processing Java ==
is different for strings: you need to use palabraClave.equals("zangolotino")
happens only once when the sketch starts. You will need to use the if
condition when you receive a websocket messageHere's your sketch modified to take the above into account (and removing the unused estado
variable (which btw can also be boolean Estado
import websockets.*;
PImage bgEstado;
PImage bg1, bg2;
Strin palabraClave = "";
WebsocketServer socket;
void setup() {
socket = new WebsocketServer(this, 1337, "/p5websocket");
bg1 = loadImage("bg1.png");
bg2 = loadImage("bg2.png");
// point to default bg
bgEstado = bg2;
void draw() {
image(bgEstado, 0, 0);
text(palabraClave, 200, 200);
void webSocketServerEvent(String msg){
palabraClave = msg;
bgEstado = bg1;
bgEstado = bg2;
If it's simpler, you can skip the third variable altogether, since you're holding on to the most recent string received via websockets:
import websockets.*;
PImage bg1, bg2;
Strin palabraClave = "";
WebsocketServer socket;
void setup() {
socket = new WebsocketServer(this, 1337, "/p5websocket");
bg1 = loadImage("bg1.png");
bg2 = loadImage("bg2.png");
void draw() {
image(bg1, 0, 0);
image(bg2, 0, 0);
text(palabraClave, 200, 200);
void webSocketServerEvent(String msg){
palabraClave = msg;