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How to build walkie talkie app through wifi or mobile data?

I want to build a function in my app. That should work like walkie talkie through mobile data or wifi.There will be a button that when they press it will send real time their voice to all logged in users IN THEIR GROUP and when they unpress it it stops, but I have no idea where to start with this. Like I know I probably need some server or something. Any idea ?


  • This is not that hard to do. I've done this myself like 10 years ago. I say it's not hard because Android already includes the necessary APIs to make it simple enough.

    First you need to understand two concepts:

    1. VoIP
    2. SIP protocol

    Once you've got this, grab some example projects and read the APIs:

    Note that to use SIP you need a couple of accounts with a SIP provider; you should be able to find free ones. Or you can also setup your own SIP server.

    Hope this helps.