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scipy.optimize.curve_fit giving same values as that of initial values

I am trying to fit a curve to the data that I have. Seems like an easy thing to do but whenever I fit the curve, the optimization doesn't seem to work. The curve_fit optimization just spits out whatever initial values I give. If I don't give any initial values for the parameters, it just gives [1, 1, 1] which is the default initial guess used by curve_fit. Can anyone point out the mistake that I am making?


Following is the code and data that I am using:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

x = [0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.1, 1.5, 1.9, 2.4, 3.2, 12.6]
y = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

df = pd.DataFrame({"X": x, "Y": y})

# Function
def sb_model(x, xmax, xc, b_val):
    return (1/(1+((np.log(xmax/x)/np.log(xmax/xc))**b_val)))*100

popt, pcov = curve_fit(f=sb_model, xdata=df["X"], ydata=df["Y"], p0 = [10.0, 0.9, 3.2])


[10.   0.9  3.2]


  • I did manage to get your model to fit your data. I believe you were trying to fit it without looking at the resulting graphs. That's the first thing to do when doing fits. Often in non-linear fitting, you have to provide a set of initial points as close to the result as possible, so the algorithm has an easier time reaching it.

    Doing just that, I noticed your model was much too low compared to the data and I couldn't get it to "go up" by modifying any parameter. I ended up adding a "scale" parameter. Next, I noticed you were getting errors because there were negative values in your logs. I fixed that by setting the minimum value of your parameters to zero. I ended up doing this first in lmfit, then tested with curve_fit, and both worked. Here's the code and the graphs.

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    x = [0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.1, 1.5, 1.9, 2.4, 3.2, 12.6]
    y = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
    df = pd.DataFrame({"X": x, "Y": y})
    # Function
    def sb_model(x, xmax, xc, b_val, scale):
        return scale/(1+((np.log(xmax/x)/np.log(xmax/xc))**b_val))
    plt.plot(x, y)
    p0 = np.array([100, 0.1, 1, 100])
    model = sb_model(x, *p0)
    plt.plot(x, model)

    Gave me this model and data, which are relatively close: enter image description here

    I fitted it with

    popt, pcov = curve_fit(f=sb_model, xdata=df["X"], ydata=df["Y"], p0 = p0, maxfev=800, bounds=(0, 1E5))

    And got this: enter image description here

    popt was array([271.35537164, 1.21550569, 10.44652752, 100.36436418])

    If you're interested in the lmfit code, here's the code. Its output was essentially the same, but it also provides a standard error (which, BTW, is 500% for xmax and 90% for b_val):

    from lmfit import Parameters, minimize
    p = Parameters()
    p.add('xmax', value=100, min=0)
    p.add('xc', value=1, min=0)
    p.add('b_val', value=1)
    p.add('scale', value=100, vary=True)
    def residual(pars, x, data):
        xmax = pars['xmax']
        xc = pars['xc']
        b_val = pars['b_val']
        scale = pars['scale']
        model = sb_model(x, xmax, xc, b_val, scale)
        return model - data
    out = minimize(residual, p, args=(x, y))

    Adding the constraints requested:

    from lmfit import Parameters, minimize
    # xmax > xc
    # xmax - xc > 0
    # xmax - xc = delta; delta > 0
    # xc = xmax - delta
    p = Parameters()
    acceptable_min = 1e-10 # Just so the values don't reach 0
    p.add("xmax", value=100, min=acceptable_min, max=max(x))
    p.add("delta", value=110, min=acceptable_min)
    p.add("xc", min=acceptable_min, value=10, expr="delta - xmax")
    p.add("b_val", value=1, min=acceptable_min)
    def sb_model(x, xmax, xc, b_val):
        first_log = np.log(xmax / x)
        second_log = np.log(xmax / xc)              
        division = (first_log / second_log)
        # The suggestion by @Reinderen fixed the problem I was having here
        power =  np.sign(division) * np.abs(division) ** b_val
        divisor = 1 + power
        val = 100 / divisor # Added the '100' factor here directly
        # I was having some problems with nans so I added this to monitor them.
        #print(f'{xmax.value=}, {xc.value=}, {b_val.value=}')
        return val
    def residual(pars, x, data):
        xmax = pars["xmax"]
        xc = pars["xc"]
        b_val = pars["b_val"]
        model = sb_model(x, xmax, xc, b_val)
        return model - data
    out = minimize(residual, p, args=(x, y))
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.plot(x, y + out.residual)

    enter image description here

    If I remove the maximum value of xmax, I get:

    enter image description here