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SingleChildScrollView does not scroll on iOS

I do compile and debug my current Flutter app using native MacOS. Works fine.

If I compile to web, upload it to a web server and test it on iOS Safari or iOS Chrome, a SingleChildScrollView with a ListView.builder as child does not scroll. Oversvations in detail:

  • Using one finger, I'm able to make it move up a bit, around 1 cm.
  • At a certain paint, the view scrolls less than the finger moved.
  • Finally, as soon as I lift my finger, the view moves back to its initial position.

On MacOS as native target or MacOS using Chrome, the view vertically scrolls just fine.

Tried to google a description regarding this problem, but failed.

Could someone propose a hint regarding further reading or a workaround?


  • Add this to listview

    physics : const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),

    Since listview and SingleChildScrollView both have scroll it doesnt work as expected. If you stop the listview scroll then it should let SingleChildScrollView scroll as expected