I'm trying to use postman for some basic API security tests and I have this URL:
{{userID}} is set to some user on site, and I want to set three tests that check if request is valid, if request has IDOR and if request has SQL injection.
This is the idea:
// userID is set to 20 ( valid user )
pm.test("Initial valid request", function () {
pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include("Peter"); });
*CHANGE THE VALUE OF {{userID}} to 30 to test for IDOR*
* URL should be set to http://example.com/api/v1/users/30 *
pm.test("IDOR protection valid", function () {
pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include("User not found."); });
*CHANGE THE VALUE OF {{userID}} to 20'or'1 to test for SQL injection*
* URL should be set to http://example.com/api/v1/users/20'or'1 *
pm.test("SQL injection test", function () {
pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include("You have an error"); });
My question is how do I change the values of {{userID}} so that next request uses changed value and not the one from environment variables.
Tests will execute after the request runs
So each test will run based on the one request. So doing something like the following in your test
pm.collectionVariables.set('userID', 'IDOR*')
// or
pm.variables.set('userID', 'IDOR*')
Won't have the effect you're after as it doesn't make a request per test.
One potential way to solve this would be to have multiple requests, all of which have set the different variable values in the Pre-request Script. As an example, you might have a request that looks like this: