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What is the difference between HTML Lint and HTML Hint?

What is the difference between HTML Lint and HTML Hint Sublime packages?

Both work within SublimeLinter and both appear to show errors or warnings in my HTML code. So is there a difference?

UPDATE From doing a bit more digging, it appears that both Lint and Hint are different words for the same thing: checking/validating/linting code.


  • They are both lint packages for HTML.

    Packages require unique names.

    • They are both published in 2014 (~8 years ago).
    • HTMLHint came out a few months before htmllint
    • I switched over to HTMLHint as they seem to be actively developed. (Last publish is 3 months vs htmllint's 3 years)
    • I do miss htmllint's ability to define tag bans

    Note: While I don't recommend it, it is possible to run both.
    In package.json

        "scripts": {
         "lint": "npm-run-all --parallel lint:ts lint:scss lint:html lint:html-tagban",
            "lint:html": "npx htmlhint \"**/*.html\"",
            "lint:html-tagban": "npx htmllint \"**/*.html\"",
            "lint:scss": "npx stylelint \"**/*.scss\" --cache",
            "lint:ts": "npx eslint \"**/*.ts\"",