I have over 100 files e.g. File_1,,,,,,File_100 like the below:
Position Likelihood Alpha
11885.0000 8.457955e-02 2.089548e+02
21877.3906 2.160398e+01 1.509296e-05
31869.7812 1.268591e+01 2.130559e-05
And more 100 files e.g. File_1,,,,,File_100 like the below:
Position Likelihood Alpha StartPos EndPos
11885.0000 0.000000e+00 1.200000e+03 11885.0000 32345.0000
21877.3906 0.000000e+00 1.200961e-03 11885.0000 32345.0000
31869.7812 1.083378e-01 6.004804e-04 11885.0000 32345.0000
I am trying to combine the StartPos and EndPos from the other files to the above files where I will have five columns eventually. So, I did something like this:
a<-read.table("File_1", header = T)
b<-read.table("File_1", header = T)
write.table(c, file="File_1.txt")
My question is, how can I put this command in a loop where it goes over all the 100 files from Directory A and 100 files from Directory B and produces a new file? The two groups of 100 files are in different directories. Thank you for your help.
Try this but you must specify the folders in your system e.g. "/Users/mohamed/File_"
for(i in 1:100){
a<-read.table(paste0("/Users/Documents/First_results/new_file/V-3/Report_Chr_" , i), header = T)
b<-read.table(paste0("/Users/Documents/First_results/new_file/V-4/Report_Chr_" , i), header = T)
write.table(c, file=paste0("Report_Chr_" , i , ".txt"))
this must save the new files in your working directory.