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Function Runs on Each Render ReactNative

I have got a function that should remove an item from a cart on button click. However when I navigate to that a specific cart page the function runs immediately. note: Right now I'm only logging out the ids of the items in the cart. So when I get to the cart page the ids are logged out immediately. Any help will be appreciated .The ids Should be logged out only when I click the x icon

const removeItem=useMemo(()=>(ids)=>{
  [ids].map((id, i) => {

Am calling the removeItem on an Onpress and passing the id as a parameter

    {cart &&, i) => {
      return (
        <View style={} key={i}>
          <View style={} >
            <Text style={styles.itemname}>{item.product.itemname}</Text>
            <View style={styles.right}>
              <Text style={styles.qty}> {item.product.price}</Text>
              <Text style={styles.qty}> x {item.qty}</Text>
                <Pressable onPress={removeItem(} >
                  <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faXmark} />

          <Text style={styles.subTotal}>subTotal:  Ksh. {item.totalPrice}</Text>


  • In <Pressable onPress={removeItem(} > you are not assigning the function but are calling it. Changing it to <Pressable onPress={() => removeItem(} > will solve this.

    You probably made this mistake because you are used to assigning functions to events like onClick by simply typing onClick={myFunction} which is correct but as soon as parameters come into to play you need change the syntax like mentioned above.