I read many articles on how to use mappings, mappings in struct and came out with something that should be correct to me, based on a few threads. I know that since solidity 0.7.0 things have changed with nested mappings in struct and did the following :
contract Test {
constructor() {
struct Bid {
uint auction_id;
address addr;
uint amount;
struct Auction {
uint id;
string dtype;
uint start_date;
uint end_date;
string label;
uint price;
uint amount;
bool closed;
mapping(uint => Bid) bids;
uint bidCount;
uint public auctionCount = 0;
mapping(uint => Auction) public auctions;
function createAuction( string memory plabel, string memory ptype, uint nbhours, uint pprice) external {
Auction storage nd = auctions[auctionCount];
nd.id = auctionCount;
nd.dtype = ptype;
nd.start_date = block.timestamp;
nd.end_date = block.timestamp+nbhours*60*60;
nd.label = plabel;
nd.price = pprice;
nd.amount = 0;
nd.closed = false;
nd.bidCount = 0;
Everything compiles fine, the createAuction
transaction is succesful.
When checking on the contract in Ganache, auctionCount is incremented but I have no items added in the draws
I also debugged the transaction with truffle and it goes through the function, assigning values through the execution of createAuction
, but the changes are not persistent.
I even tried removing one string attribute since I read that when there are 3 it could have been a problem (ok, I have only 2 max ;)).
I must have missed something, but I'm out of options right now.
Thanks in advance for your help !
If you are talking about auctions
mapping, ensure you use the correct index when accessing mapping items. In your case, the first Auction
item you add to the mapping will have a 0
index. I tried your contract in Remix, and everything worked well.