I have three variable files app1.yml, app2.yml and app3.yml having the same variable name viz dbconn
cat app1-webapps-dev.yml
- host1 port1
cat app2-webapps-dev.yml
- host4 port4
- host5 port5
cat app3-webapps-dev.yml
As you can see the variable dbconn
in app3.yml is empty. When empty the below ansible play to concat the variable fails with error:
- set_fact:
dbconn: "{{ dbconn|d([]) + (lookup('file', item ~ '-webapps-' + ENV ~ '.yml' )|from_yaml).dbconn }}"
- app1
- app2
- app3
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ dbconn|d([]) + (lookup('file', item ~ '-webapps-' + ENV ~ '.yml' )|from_yaml).dbconn }}): can only concatenate list (not "NoneType") to list"}
Can you please suggest?
you can add a condition, as a NoneType equals false
- set_fact:
dbconn: "{{ dbconn|d([]) + (lookup('file', item ~ '-webapps-dev'~ '.yml' )|from_yaml).dbconn }}"
when: ((lookup('file', item ~ '-webapps-dev'~ '.yml' )|from_yaml).dbconn)