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I am trying to setup a minio server with traefik but Share URLs are pointing to the internal network ip instead my domain

I have the exact same setup and issue from this link Minio install behind Traefik

I was looking to fix this sharing URL actually pointing to some docker intenal URL

URL not displaying my domain

Obviously you must tell minio server what domain generated URLs should be pointint at.

But, in case I setup MINIO_SERVER_URL pointing to my domain I get random TLS errors and no certificates from letsencrypt.

There is random cases where I get the console and server domain certificates, but then I cannot login by the following error

login error

Hope I can get some insights regarding the amount of time I spent this weekend reading docks and bothering people everywhere 😓


  • I tried too many ways to come over this issue and ended with this solution:

    I got the solution for configuring the domain in the MinIO docker container:

    Just make these changes in the mino.env


    After implementing the fix, it worked as expected.