Bun has been on every news aggregator and newsletter related to tech the past week due to its speed compared to create-react-app . I've tried to run it on Windows, but seems it is not supported yet. Does anyone know if they can run it on Windows?
According to the Installation docs:
Bun provides a limited, experimental native build for Windows. At the moment, only the Bun runtime is supported.
bun <file>
bun run <file>
The test runner, package manager, and bundler are still under development. The following commands have been disabled.
bun test
bun install/add/remove
bun link/unlink
bun build
Alternatively if you need those commands or an older version of Bun, you can use Windows Subsystem Linux:
wsl --install
wsl curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
wsl bun