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Updating asyncoperation fields in Dynamics 365

I am trying to update AsyncOperation fields using REST API in Dynamics 365 CRM. But there is a problem. If I try to update any field by request, for example

PATCH /api/data/v9.0/asyncoperations(GUID) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
If-Match: *

    "name":"new async operation name"

In response I receive this error message (with different codes for different GUIDs obviously):

The state transition requested is not valid for the current state. Current state: 3, current status: 32, target state: 3.

Even if I did not make any changes to statecode and statuscode fields. I can not update field even if update only 1 field in a time by

PUT /api/data/v9.0/asyncoperations(GUID)/name

with same response. Updating other fields with "@odata.bind" does not work too.

What am I doing wrong? Maybe there is any header I miss or something. And is it even possible to update information for AsyncOperation entities?


  • you cannot update asyncoperations Entity for field Name.

    This operation is not supported on asyncoperations Entity.