Error while applying the terraformI am working on terraform with cloud-init deployment. i want to fetch the ip addresses from file in data template_file vars block. when i do terraform apply it will show me "Inappropriate value for attribute vars element string required".
locals {
workers = {
"worker-1" = { host_name = "wrkr-1", vm_ip = "90" }
"worker-2" = { host_name = "wrkr-2", vm_ip = "91" }
"worker-3" = { host_name = "wrkr-3", vm_ip = "92" }
"worker-4" = { host_name = "wrkr-4", vm_ip = "93" }
"worker-5" = { host_name = "wrkr-5", vm_ip = "94" }
"worker-6" = { host_name = "wrkr-6", vm_ip = "95" }
controllers = {
"controllers-1" = { host_name = "ctrl-1", vm_ip = "87" }
"controllers-2" = { host_name = "ctrl-2", vm_ip = "88" }
"controllers-3" = { host_name = "ctrl-3", vm_ip = "89" }
data template_file "lb_userdata" {
template = file("${path.module}/cloud-init/lb-cloud-config.yaml")
vars = {
network_cidr = var.network_cidr
controller_ip = local.controllers
ip_address = var.loadbalancer_ip
Any help appreciated
Thanks I have found a trick how we can achieve this. data file is as below
data template_file "lb_userdata" {
template = file("${path.module}/cloud-init/lb-cloud-config.yaml")
vars = {
network_cidr = var.network_cidr
controller_ip = join(",",([for k in local.controllers: k.vm_ip ]))
ip_address = var.loadbalancer_ip
I used join function and use for loop to get the value as a string.
here is my lb_cloud_config.yaml file
%{~ for f in split(",",controller_ip) ~}
server ${network_cidr}.${f}:30793
%{~ endfor ~}