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How to insert in a nested hashmap?

I have a nested hashmap like

HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Obzect>> map1= new HashMap<>();

The first map key will be object.getId and key of second map can be "p1","p2" or such based on some conditions. I am trying to insert into a hashmap without creating an instance for second map.


I am getting error message

Required Type: hashmap
Provided Type: object

How to correct this?


  • Try this.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        record Obzect(String getId) {}
        Obzect object = new Obzect("id");
        HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Obzect>> map1= new HashMap<>();
        map1.computeIfAbsent(object.getId, k -> new HashMap<>()).put("p1", object);

