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Trouble Writing to Jest Mocked Prisma Database

I have two databases that I need to interact with in my code. I have a simple function that takes an object and writes it to my PostgreSQL database using Prisma. I've tested the function with Postman, and it works perfectly, but when I try to execute it using a Jest mock (using the singleton pattern found in the Prisma unit testing guide), it returns undefined indicating that it didn't interact with the database and create the new record. Here's my code:


generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"
  output   = "./generated/clinical"

datasource clinicalDatabase {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/clinical-data?schema=public"

model pcc_webhook_update {
  id                  Int                       @id @default(autoincrement())
  event_type          String
  organization_id     Int
  facility_id         Int
  patient_id          Int
  resource_id         String?
  webhook_date        DateTime                  @default(now()) @clinicalDatabase.Timestamptz(6)
  status              pcc_webhook_update_status @default(pending)
  status_changed_date DateTime?                 @clinicalDatabase.Timestamptz(6)
  error_count         Int                       @default(0)

  @@unique([organization_id, facility_id, patient_id, resource_id, event_type, status])

enum pcc_webhook_update_status {


import { PrismaClient } from './generated/clinical';

const prismaClinical = new PrismaClient();

export default prismaClinical;


import { PrismaClient } from '../prisma/generated/clinical';
import { mockDeep, mockReset, DeepMockProxy } from 'jest-mock-extended';
import prisma from '../prisma/clinical-client';

jest.mock('../prisma/clinical-client', () => ({
  __esModule: true,
  default: mockDeep<PrismaClient>()

beforeEach(() => {

export const prismaClinicalMock = prisma as unknown as DeepMockProxy<PrismaClient>;

Everything up to this point follows the conventions outlined by the Prisma unit testing docs. The only modification I made was to make it database specific. Below is my function and tests. The request object in handle-pcc-webhooks.ts is a sample http request object, the body of which contains the webhook data I care about.


import prismaClinical from '../../../prisma/clinical-client';
import { pcc_webhook_update } from '../../../prisma/generated/clinical';
import { requestObject } from './handler.types';

export const handlePccWebhook = async (request: requestObject) => {

  try {

    const webhook = JSON.parse(request.body);

    // if the webhook doesn't include a resource id array, set it to an array with an empty string to ensure processing and avoid violating
    // the multi-column unique constraint on the table
    const { resourceId: resourceIds = [''] } = webhook;

    let records = [];

    for (const resourceId of resourceIds) {

      // update an existing record if one exists in the pending state, otherwise create a new entry
      const record: pcc_webhook_update = await prismaClinical.pcc_webhook_update.upsert({
        where: {
          organization_id_facility_id_patient_id_resource_id_event_type_status: {
            organization_id: webhook.orgId,
            facility_id: webhook.facId,
            patient_id: webhook.patientId,
            resource_id: resourceId,
            event_type: webhook.eventType,
            status: 'pending'
        update: {
          webhook_date: new Date()
        create: {
          event_type: webhook.eventType,
          organization_id: webhook.orgId,
          facility_id: webhook.facId,
          patient_id: webhook.patientId,
          resource_id: resourceId,
          status: 'pending' // not needed


    return records;

  } catch (error) {



import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import MockDate from 'mockdate';
import { prismaClinicalMock } from '../../../testing/prisma-clinical-mock';
import { createAllergyAddRecord } from './__mocks__/allergy';
import { requestObject } from './handler.types';
import { handlePccWebhook } from './handler';

describe('allergy.add', () => {

  let requestObject: requestObject;
  let allergyAddRecord: any;

  beforeAll(() => {
    requestObject = getRequestObject('allergy.add');

  beforeEach(() => {
    MockDate.set(new Date('1/1/2022'));
    allergyAddRecord = createAllergyAddRecord(new Date());

  afterEach(() => {

  test('should create an allergy.add database entry', async() => {


    // this is where I would expect handlePccWebhook to return the newly created database
    // record, but instead it returns undefined.  If I run the function outside of this
    // unit test, with the same input value, it functions perfectly
    await expect(handlePccWebhook(requestObject)).resolves.toEqual([allergyAddRecord]);

// This just builds a request object with the current webhook being tested
function getRequestObject(webhookType: string) {

  // read the contents of request object file as a buffer, then convert it to JSON
  const rawRequestObject = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../sample-data/handle-pcc-webhook-request.json'));
  const requestObject: requestObject = JSON.parse(rawRequestObject.toString());

  // read the contents of the webhook file as a buffer, then convert it to a string
  const rawWebhook = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `../../sample-data/${webhookType}.json`));
  const webhookString = rawWebhook.toString();

  // set the body of the request object to the contents of the target webhook
  requestObject.body = webhookString;

  return requestObject;

Finally, here is the result of running the unit test:

enter image description here


  • So after banging my had against the wall for a few hours, I figured out the issue. In my handler.spec.ts file, I had the following line:


    what that does is mock the value returned for any create functions run using Prisma. The issue is that my function is using an upsert function, which I wasn't explicitly mocking, thus returning undefined. I changed the above line to


    and it started working.