I create an fulltext index:
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX skillAndTranslationsNamesAndDescriptions FOR (n:Skill|Translation) ON EACH [n.name, n.description]
Also, added a node with name = bash-variables
I'm able to successfully query this node with the following query:
match (s:Skill {name: 'bash-variables'}) return s;
Now, I'd like to query this node by Neo4j Cypher fulltext search:
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("skillAndTranslationsNamesAndDescriptions", "bash-var*") YIELD node, score
OPTIONAL MATCH (node)-[:ALIAS_FOR*]->(skillForAlias:Skill)
OPTIONAL MATCH (node)<-[:CONTAINS]-(skillForTrans:Skill)
RETURN node.name, node.id, skillForAlias.name, skillForAlias.id, skillForTrans.name, skillForTrans.id, score, labels(node)
and it returns nothing.
I think the reason is in the Lucene special character -
but I don't knowhow to properly handle this. Simply escaping this with \-
didn't help.
What am I doing wrong and how to fix it?
Try using the "whitespace" analyzer:
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX skillAndTranslationsNamesAndDescriptions
FOR (n:Skill|Translation) ON EACH [n.name, n.description]
OPTIONS { indexConfig: {`fulltext.analyzer`: 'whitespace'}}