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Create list of empty lists having name

I am pretty new to python and looking for how to create a list of empty lists having names more efficiently than presented below

I would like to have some names to the lists.

flattenlist_x1 = []
flattenlist_x2 = []
flattenlist_x3 = []
flattenlist_x4 = []
flattenlist_x5 = []
flattenlist_x6 = []
flattenlist_x7 = []
flattenlist_x8 = []
flattenlist_x9 = []
flattenlist_x10 = []
flattenlist_x11 = []
flattenlist_x12 = []

flattenlist_list = [flattenlist_x1, flattenlist_x2, flattenlist_x3, flattenlist_x4,
                    flattenlist_x5, flattenlist_x6, flattenlist_x7, flattenlist_x8,
                    flattenlist_x9, flattenlist_x10, flattenlist_x11, flattenlist_x12]


  • Beacuse you want it to have name, how about using dict?

    flattenlist_list = {}
    for i in range(1,13):