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Pandas calculate max for every day per id

I have a dataframe with three columns: ID, Date, Value reporting temperature records (Value) day by day for a month (in datetime-format) from different weather stations (ID). What I need is to 'group by' every weather station and every single day and calculate the maximum temperature for each day for each weather station in a new column.

I always only get the maximum for each weather station OR each day - but needed is the max for each weather station per day.

The table looks like that:

Date ID Value
2022-05-12 22:09:35+00:00 1 18.3
2022-05-12 22:09:42+00:00 2 18.0


  • IUUC, you can do

    df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
    out = df.groupby(['ID', df['Date']])['Value'].max()
    ID  Date
    1   2022-05-12    18.3
    2   2022-05-12    18.0
    Name: Value, dtype: float64