I want to crate date as MS Access like date (example -> #mm/dd/yyy#) input date can be string or date so I have created object variable to hold value of date. Then I convert it to msaccess date. but it gives error. See the picture attached.
Before posting this question I had searched a lot, but I don't understand the solutions I found.
A major solution is ParseExact("Date String", "Format", System. IFormatProvider)
. But in my editor Intellisense does not recognize culturevalue. It tells me culturevalue is not defined.
Then I tried Date.tryparse()
. It worked, but if I have to use this, then what is use of CDate conversion function?
Edit 1 : Date.tryparse() does not work it returns false
in vb6 "#" & Month(dateIn) & "/" & Day(dateIn) & "/" & Year(dateIn) & "#" works perfectly
It seems that you ask for a string expression for a VBA date value.
That can be done like this:
Dim DateIn As DateTime
DateIn = DateTime.Today
Dim Rval As String
Rval = DateIn.ToString("'#'MM'/'dd'/'yyyy'#'")
' Output:
' #07/10/2022#