Search code examples

Searching within sublists in Racket

Note: I am using R5RS

(define (found? value L)


    ((null? L) #f)

    ((equal? (car L) value) #t)

    (else (found? value (cdr L)))))

This is the function I wrote for iterating over a list like (7 "a" (b (c a) () (d d))).

If I call (found? "a" '(7 "a" (b (c a)) () (d d))), it returns #t.

But if I call (found? 'a '(7 "a" (b (c a)) () (d d))), it returns #f.

I know that if I look for the entire sublist like (b (c a)), the function returns true. But it doesn't work for nested sublist, e.g. (c a).

How can I find the a within the sublist (c a)?


  • You have to add an additional cond branch for nested lists:

    (define (found? value lst)
        ((null? lst) #f)
        ((equal? (car lst) value) #t)
        ((list? (car lst))
         (or (found? value (car lst))
             (found? value (cdr lst))))
        (else (found? value (cdr lst)))))


    > (found? "a" '(7 "a" (b (c a)) () (d d)))
    > (found? 'a '(7 "a" (b (c a)) () (d d)))